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The IBBI organises a series of webinars on “Registered Valuers Ecosystem and Valuation Profession”

As part of the ongoing ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), in association with the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA), organized a series of four Webinars on the topic, “Registered Valuers Ecosystem and Valuation Profession”. The Webinars were intended to appraise the financial institutions, as key stakeholders of the IBC and valuation ecosystem, of the new regulatory regime brought out by Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017.

Over 140 officers, representing twenty-five banks and financial institutions, spread across the country participated in the Webinars and benefitted from the events.

The events were held on 8th September 2021, 22nd September 2021, 6th October 2021 and 20th October 2021. The webinar series began with a thoughtful inaugural address by Dr. Navrang Saini, Whole Time Member, IBBI, highlighting the need of having a unified regulatory framework for the valuation profession. Mr. Gopal Murali Bhagat, Deputy Chief Executive, IBA while welcoming the participants appreciated the new regulatory framework under the said Rules and stressed the need of recognising the context of valuation.

Presentations on the history of valuation profession, need of unified regulatory structure for valuation profession, benefits of a present regulatory regime under the Rules, practical aspects pertaining to valuation such as duties of valuer, parameters to judge the quality of valuation report, the extent of limitations, caveats and disclaimers to be used in valuation report and beneficial the purpose for which valuation report may be used were made by officers of IBBI and Registered Valuers.


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