The Supreme Court of India deferred its decision on Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea's petitions on Monday. These telecom firms have requested an adjustment in the adjusted gross revenue (AGR) demand, claiming flaws in the DoT's (Department of Telecommunications) dues computation. The main matter has already been resolved, and the telecoms have paid their overdue AGR dues, but today's hearing is planned to address "errors" alleged by the businesses.
Senior counsel Mukul Rohatgi, representing Vodafone, informed the Supreme Court bench that there are certain "arithmetic entries" and "some situations where Re 1 paid but 50 paise reflected." In certain situations, the third cheque is not reflected." He stated that these "entries" should be rectified since "little entries add up to a lot over 20 years."
Rohatgi used one of the entries as an example. "The real payment paid is Rs 155 crore, however, the DoT considers the ultimate figure to be approximately 153.2 crore." The Supreme Court instructed Rohatgi to read the ruling, which said that "reassessment and reevaluation are not possible." Several tribunals, according to Rohatgi, do not have the power of review, but they do have the ability to remedy an arithmetic error. "Let the Department of Transportation think about it, in my opinion. Allow me to provide it to them so that they can evaluate it uninfluenced "Rohtagi informed the Supreme Court bench.