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RFMLR-IBBI Blog Series Competiton on "Evolving Dynamics of the Insolvency Regime in India, 2021"

RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review (RFMLR) of the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab jointly with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) organising the RFMLR-IBBI Blog Series Competition on Evolving Dynamics of the Insolvency Regime in India, 2021.


The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala (RGNUL) is an autonomous National Law University (NLU) established under the second wave of reforms instituted by the Bar Council of India. Established in 2006, RGNUL has garnered a pan-India reputation as a stellar institution for legal research and education. In May 2015, RGNUL became the first and the only NLU to have been accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an ‘A’ grade. In March 2018, RGNUL was amongst the four NLUs to have been granted autonomous status by the University Grants Commission. RGNUL has been ranked among the top 10 law schools in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), by the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.


RGNUL Financial & Mercantile Law Review (“RFMLR”) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed law journal published by RGNUL since 2014. It is an initiative of the student community of RGNUL, which promotes research and debate in the areas of finance and economics emanating out of legal issues. Over the years, RFMLR has become one of the flagship journals of RGNUL and each volume is published in two issues biannually.

The Editorial Board of RFMLR has published eight volumes of the journal to date, in addition to two special issues, namely, Special Issue on GST Law and Special Issue on COVID-19. The Editorial Board recently invited submissions for RFMLR Volume IX, Issue I. RFMLR is ranked among the top 10 most-accessed law reviews in India by SCC Online.

Au Courant is the flagship newsletter of RFMLR, published on a monthly basis on our official website. A comprehensive collection of contemporary news updates and analytical pieces, it aims to keep its readers up to date with various happenings and changing legal trends in the financial and corporate sectors.


The Editorial Board operates a Blog on the official website of RFMLR, to publish scholarly, legal analysis in a shorter format to encapsulate a critical view on current and ongoing trends. The blogs include contributions from law students as well as notable guest authors and cover an array of topics from the diverse and multifarious areas of business and commercial laws.

During the last academic year, the Board initiated a Special Series on ‘Evolving Landscape of Intellectual Property Rights’. It was aimed towards analyzing and furthering the discourse on the contemporary legal issues relating to Intellectual Property Rights (‘IPR’). In pursuance of the Call for Blogs, we invited various guest authors, having vast practical as well as doctrinal experience in the laws relating to IPR. Previously, the Editorial Board has invited blogs on Digital Commerce and Fintech Law, Corporate Governance, Competition Law, Telecom Law, and Aviation Law, under the theme-specific blog series.


The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (“IBBI”) is a statutory body established on October 1, 2016, under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“Code”). It is a key pillar of the ecosystem responsible for the implementation of the Code that consolidates and amends the laws relating to reorganization and insolvency resolution of corporate persons, partnership firms, and individuals, in a time-bound manner, for maximization of the value of assets of such persons, promotion of entrepreneurship, availability of credit and balances the interests of all the stakeholders.

IBBI promotes the development of, and regulates, the working and practices of insolvency professionals, insolvency professional agencies, insolvency professional entities, and information utilities in furtherance of the purposes of the Code. It writes and enforces rules for processes namely, corporate insolvency resolution, corporate liquidation, individual insolvency resolution, and individual bankruptcy under the Code. It has also been designated as the ‘Authority’ under the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017 for the regulation and development of the profession of valuers in the country.


The Code is one of the most dynamic statutes enacted in the past decade. Its implementation has unfolded numerous novel perspectives to the legal framework making it highly relevant to all stakeholders. Judgments and amendments have time and again sought to address the existing lacunae and incertitude in the law. There is still room for novel discourse on the Code and in the broader field of insolvency. The Blog Series Competition aims to further discourse on the practical and critical challenges faced by the insolvency regime in the country and offer novel and innovative solutions for such challenges.


The Editorial Board of RFMLR and IBBI invite students to submit manuscripts on the below-mentioned theme to contribute to the discourse around insolvency and related issues. After reviewing all the manuscripts, the Editorial Board will select entries that will be published on the RFMLR Blog under the Insolvency Series.

The theme for the Blog Series Competition



  • Evolving Position of Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors under the IBC Regime

  • Areas of Improvement in the IBC vis-à-vis Stressed Assets Resolution

  • Analyzing the Contours of Cross-Border Insolvency within the Indian Legal Framework

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution for the Insolvency Resolution Process

  • Pre-Packaged Insolvency Resolution Process for MSMEs

Note: The aforementioned sub-themes are not exhaustive and simply illustrative in nature. Author(s) will be free to write on any other topic or issue falling within the ambit of the main theme.


  1. The selected entries will be published on the RFMLR Blog under the Insolvency Series.

  2. Among the published entries, the top three will be awarded Certificates of Appreciation.

  3. All the entries selected for publication will be awarded Certificates of Participation.

  4. Cash Prize for Best/Winning Entry: Rs. 10,000/-

  5. Cash Prize for Second Best/Runner-Up Entry: Rs. 5,000/-

  6. The winning entry of the Blog Series Competition would be allowed to briefly present their research and interact with the experts during the Conference.


The Blog Series Competition will be followed by the RFMLR-IBBI Conference on Evolving Dynamics of the Insolvency Regime in India on January 30, 2022, where the officials from IBBI and other professionals from the field of insolvency would discuss emerging issues pertaining to the insolvency regime in India. The results of the Blog Series Competition will be announced during the Conference wherein the winners would present their research before the experts and the attendees. This would not only give the attendees insights into the vital issues in insolvency but also give them a unique opportunity to interact with the experts from the field.

Eligibility: We welcome academics, practitioners, and students from all fields to attend the Conference.


ELIGIBILITY: The Editorial Board of RFMLR and IBBI invite submissions for the Blog Series Competition from all students pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate courses in Law, Commerce, Humanities, Business Administration, and Management.


  • The manuscripts shall be in the English language only.

  • Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.

  • Submissions shall not be less than 1300 words and shall not exceed 2000 words (exclusive of endnotes).

  • Longer pieces can be divided into two or three-part posts for better readability but they shall be considered as a single entry. Additionally, each part post shall be complete in itself.

  • Submissions shall be lucid, contemporarily relevant, and well researched. They shall contain a novel analysis of the issue by the author(s). The Editorial Board encourages analytical submissions with concrete suggestions over descriptive submissions with generic suggestions.

  • The name and institution of the author(s) shall not be mentioned in the body of the submission.

  • Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited and the submission shall be original, unpublished, and an outcome of the author’s own efforts.

  • The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions, and views stated in the submission.

  • The author(s) shall refrain from submitting the manuscript elsewhere during the pendency of the review process. The manuscripts shall be in the English language only.


  • Submissions shall be typewritten in Times New Roman, font size 12 with line spacing 1.5 and justified alignment.

  • Submissions shall contain hyperlinks in the body of the manuscript itself, instead of footnotes and endnotes. Endnotes may be used for references where hyperlinks are not possible, or the source is under a paywall or offline – such as books, articles, etc.

  • The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Ed.) shall be followed for citations, and endnotes shall be typewritten in Times New Roman, font size 10, single-line spacing, and justified alignment.


  • Author(s) shall divest the copyright of the manuscript to RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, once the manuscript has been selected for publication. However, all moral rights shall remain with the author(s).


  • The author(s) shall submit the manuscript along with the duly signed Certificate of Originality and Copyright (in the attached format) via Google Form here.

  • No author is allowed to submit more than one manuscript.

  • The author(s) shall submit the manuscript in .doc or .docx format.

  • All queries shall be sent to the Editorial Board at


Important Dates:

  • Deadline for submission of manuscripts: January 15, 2022

  • Intimation to authors of all shortlisted blogs and top entries: January 25, 2022

  • Deadline for Registration for Conference: January 29, 2022

  • Conference: January 30, 2022


CONTACT DETAILS In case of any queries, please feel free to write to us at, or reach out to:

Mr. Aditya Mathur (Managing Editor, RFMLR): +91-9654899130

Ms. Soumya Tiwari (Managing Editor, RFMLR): +91-7000855319

Ms. Ridhima Bhardwaj (Senior Editor, RFMLR): +91-8560819904


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