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RBI consolidates Master Circular on Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks

The Reserve bank of India (RBI) referred to its Master Circular DCBR.BPD(PCB).MC.No. 4/16.20.000/2015-16 dated 1 July 2015 on the captioned subject. The enclosed Master Circular consolidates and updates all the instructions/guidelines on the subject issued up to 30 June 2015 and can be summarised as under:


Para No. Subject

1. Restrictions On Holding Shares in Other Co-operative Societies

2. Statutory (SLR) Investments

3. Investment Policy

4. General Guidelines

5. Transactions through SGL Accounts

6. Use of Bank Receipts (BRs)

7. Engagement of brokers

8. Settlement of Government Securities Transactions through CCIL

9. Trading of Government Securities on Stock Exchanges

10. Ready forward contracts in Government Securities

11. Ready forward contracts in Corporate Debt Securities

12. Guidelines for accounting of Repo/Reverse Repo transaction

13. Non- SLR Investments

14. Internal Control and Investment Accounting

15. Recommendations of Ghosh Committee

16. Categorisation of Investments

17. Valuation of Investments

18. Investment Fluctuation Reserve (IFR)


I. Certain clarifications regarding brokers’ limits

II. Definitions of certain terms

III. Disclosure requirements for Non-SLR investments

IV. Guidelines for accounting of Repo/Reverse Repo transactions

IV(a). Recommended accounting methodology for Repo/Reverse Repo transactions

IV(b). Illustrative examples for accounting Repo/Reverse Repo transactions

V. Guidelines on Sale of Financial Assets to SC / RC

VI. RBI Notification: UBD.BPD.(PCB).Not.No.2/ 16.26.000/ 2013-14 dated June 5, 2014


  • A. List of circulars consolidated in the Master Circular on Investments by primary urban co-operative banks

  • B. List of other circulars from which instructions relating to investments have been consolidated in the Master Circular


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