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Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process under IBC, 2016--Invitation of comments from public

The efficacy of out-of-court workouts in delivering speedier resolutions provided regulators extend the same regulatory exemptions as available to settlements made under the IBC framework was considered and it was felt that Pre-packaged insolvency resolution process (PPIRP) may be introduced under the Code with necessary checks and balances, as an option for resolving insolvency. Government constituted a sub-committee of Insolvency Law Committee (ILC) vide order dated 24.6.2020 to prepare a detailed scheme for implementing pre-pack and prearranged insolvency resolution process.

Public comments are hereby invited on recommendations of Sub-committee of ILC on Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process. Suggestion/comments, if any, along with brief justification may be submitted online therein at the below mentioned web link by the end of business hours on 22nd January, 2021:


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