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MCA is inviting Applications for the posts of Judicial Members and Technical Members in the NCLTs

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is inviting online Applications for the 08 (eight) posts of Judicial Members and 11 (eleven) posts of Technical Members, in National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) constituted under Section 408 of the Companies Act, 2013. The number of vacancies is tentative and may decrease or increase without prior notice.

The selected candidates will be required to serve at any of the already constituted NCLT benches or benches to be constituted in future in different parts of the country in a phased manner with All India transfer liability as per availability of the vacancies/exigencies of work.

Interested persons are advised to visit the portal, in order to submit an online application from 10.00 AM to 15.07.2022. The detailed instruction for filling up the application form online is available on the portal (under the "Instruction for applying online" heading). All requisite and relevant documents need to be uploaded online while filling up of application. The last date for submitting an online application is 12.08.2022 at 05:30 PM.

To view Eligibility, Terms, How to Apply and other details, download the PDF.


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